How to Subscribe and Register
There are 2 steps to becoming an Internet Field Team

Step 1 : Order Your Subscription
You may order your subscription by phone, FAX or mail. You will receive printed materials and an Internet Field Team Number approximately 9 business days after your order has been received.

Step 2: Register
After your printed materials arrive, you must come back and register 2 things:

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can you clarify the difference between subscribing and registering?
A. Yes. When you subscribe, your order and payment go to a shipping house in Vermont. Unfortunately, for technical reasons the information needed for registration cannot be entered into Journey North's computer at that time. Therefore, remember t hat when you ORDER your subscription you have not yet REGISTERED. (See Step #2 above.)

Q Why is registration required?
A. You must register your e-mail address in order to submit field observations to Journey North. This is for quality control purposes. We will only accept field observations that are sent from registered E-mail addresses. Similarly, you must reg ister your Internet Field Team Number so we know your e-mail address is entitled to Internet Field Team privileges.

Q. May I register my e-mail address before my materials arrive?
A. Yes. You may register your e-mail address any time and enter your Internet Field Team Number later, when your materials arrive. However, Level 2 Internet Field Team privileges are only available to you after you have registered your Internet Field Team Number.

Q. If my e-mail address or other information changes, what should I do?
A. You can edit your registration information at any time on the WWW. Just enter your e-mail address on the Registration Form and the information you originally put on your form will appear.

Q. If I still have questions, what do I do?
A. Contact the Journey North office any time! We'd be happy to help.