Monarch PEAK Migration

Date: 09/24/2001

Number: 1

We saw our first monarchs (only 2) on 9/10.

But our first large influx was on 9/24. On Tuesday (9/24) evening,
we watched monarchs coming in from the west and from the north.
The ones from the west were roosting in my neighbors' denuded
ash tree in his front yard. The majority of the ones from the north
were roosting in a fruitless mulberry tree in his backyard. From
5:55 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. we counted 397 in the front yard, and then
from 6:50 p.m. - 7:10 p.m. we counted 269 in the back yard. It was
as if they were using our house as a dividing line for determining
whether they would roost in the front yard or the back. I'm certain
that there were many more than the ones that we've counted
because they are also roosting in at least three pecan trees at the
back of his yard.

On Wednesday (9/25) at 7:00 p.m.-7:20 p.m., we counted 253
roosting on a fruitless mulberry tree. They had already come in and
were hidden by the shifting shadows. And we don't

San Angelo, TX

Latitude: 31.6 Longitude: -100.5

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