Date: 11/22/2004
Number: 1
We planted our garden today. Each child planted a bulb in our garden. We also planted an experimental garden. Because our soil was very hard and mostly clay. We added 4 bags of top soil. We mixed it in thoroughly with the help of many parent volunteers. Each bulb was planted with a little bulb tone to have healthy plants. We marked each child's bulb with a wooden stick with their name on it. Our school is brand new and we planted it our garden in a very sunny area where all the other school children will be able to enjoy our observation and tulips in the spring. We are very excited about the project did all the experiments on bulbs in the classroom and can't wait for our tulips to bloom. Sandy Stoessel 3rd grade Class Salem School
Port Washington, NY
Latitude: 40.8 Longitude: -73.7
Observed by: Sandy
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