Date: 06/08/2005
Number: 1
I am proud, and needless-to-say Surprised to say that we actually have a robin nesting in our yard... well, on our deck, right beside our patio doors! Wow. My wife Sandra saw it tonight after work. I took a pix and later she saw the robin flying in. I've had a robins' nest platform up for the past ten years or so; never saw a robin nest... and it still doesn't have one!! I got the plans from a woodworking magazine (guess it goes to show you what THEY know about robins nests!!)
It's a pretty soggy nest of grass and mud. we've had 100mm (over 4 inches) of rain here in the last week. Outlying areas are facing flood sitautions.
A Northern Observation Post
Lethbridge, AB
Latitude: 49.4 Longitude: -112.5
Observed by: Wayne
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