Date: 10/17/2005
Number: 1
Our class planted their tulip bulbs October 17th and 18th. Each student planted one bulb. We weighed and measured the circumference of our bulbs before we planted them. The range in weight was 21 grams – 30 to 51! The largest bulb was named Burpo. The range in circumference was only 5 mm 115 to 120. We planted our bulbs on the west facing slope where the buses load. They are in front of a row of low bushes and a little amongst some thorn bushes that may help to keep the deer away. We’ll also use some “Deer Away” spray. Last year the deer ate about half of the flowers. We predict that Burpo will have the biggest flower.
Ithaca, NY
Latitude: 42.4 Longitude: -76.5
Observed by: Pat
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