Date: 04/19/2006
Number: 1
The wave of American Robins returned whilst I was away. Tuesday April 18th several were seen throughout the southern Yukon by April 19th they were heard singing.
Spring has finally come! The prairie crocus (Pulsatilla patens – Yukon’s first spring flower) emerged perhaps slightly late, likely since they were buried under snow on the days they usually emerge (April 18-21 in Whitehorse). I’m not sure when the very first made its appearance but the hillside was covered by April 23rd so they likely appeared on April 21 or 22.
Still very few forest birds are seen. We have Dark Eyed Juncos and American Tree Sparrows but the other sparrows are still missing. Along with the American Robins the Varied Thrush returned and can now also be heard singing.
There are still large patches of snow in the valleys and of course the hills are still covered. You can still cross-county ski in the mornings. The lakes are still frozen but last night the temperature did not go below freezing (+1.1C) which is one of the very first days that has happened this year (regular temperatures are -3C to +8C).
A Northern Observation Post
Mount Lorne, YT
Latitude: 60.4 Longitude: -135
Observed by: Bruce
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