Date: 09/26/2006
Number: 1
Still thousands on
the island. Not much leaving tonight as wind seemed to be coming from the west
so they were not wanting to fly out into the wind over ocean. Still huge
groups on the trees, starting with around a hundred on one tree in the parking
lot near the gate, and many taller trees down the path varying with 500-700
per cluster. Some tucked off side trails so really hard to estimate, but I
would guess easily 4,000-4,500 still on the island, very conservative.
Clusters were growing right up till the light faded, so really hard to get a
tally. More small clusters near the lighthouse on side cuts. Yikes. Best I
have ever seen in the state, but wish I could have been there for the
Gooseberry Neck, MA
Latitude: 41.5 Longitude: -71
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