Robin (OTHER Observations)

Date: 01/01/2012

Number: 1

Carrie McClelland, Yukon government biologist, reports: "It has been quite a mild winter in Yukon this year. The temperatures have been unusually warm ranging between -10C and +4C for most of the winter. We did have two cold snaps; one in mid-November that brought the temperatures down to -35C, and the other in mid-January where it dropped down to -40C. It is mid-February now and feels like spring is just around the corner, the temperature is hovering around the freezing mark during the day and the days are getting longer. But who knows, we may just be in for another cold snap as it is only February! There was a sighting of an American Robin in the Riverdale neighbourhood of Whitehorse in the middle of January feeding on frozen cranberries and blueberries! This was right when the cold snap began and we have not seen the robin since. I predict the first robin sighting will be on April 8th and the first song will be heard on April 12th. Did you know robins don't eat worms here, worms are very rare , many are introduced see Yukon worms".

Whitehorse, YT

Latitude: 60.6 Longitude: -135.2

Observed by: Carrie
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