Date: 02/07/2007
Number: 1
large group of over 100 wintering robins with a few in true song
Yes the song I heard was the song of the American Robin and not just call notes.
Robins heard near here in mid January were singing phrases of their true song but very quietly and raspily, and for short periods of time. The only difference with the ones I just reported is that the song was loud, at usual loudness for spring song. It was maybe 10 phrases then stopped. Then after a minute a few more phrases and the birds flew off. But the birds were moving in restless flocks, not singing on territory. They are likely birds wintering here or passing through here en route further south due to recent cold and snow. I believe these individuals migrate further north to nest. A few local birds like Chickadees and Cardinals are just beginning this early intermittant singing of their songs, as if they were practicing for the real thing. They do not do it at dawn as they do when breeding season approaches.
Picton, ON
Latitude: 44 Longitude: -77.1
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