Date: 03/23/2007
Number: 1
After a relatively quiet first three weeks of the 2007 season, the dam finally broke. By 4PM Daylight Saving Time yesterday, Friday 23 March 2007, more than 1500 raptors had been tallied by
Niagara Peninsula Hawkwatch counters at Beamer Conservation Area in Grimsby, ON. It appeared that birds might fly until dusk. Official Counter George Meyers advises that as of 4PM DST the count was:
Turkey Vulture 862
Bald Eagle 6
Northern Harrier 6
Sharp-shinned Hawk 37
Cooper's Hawk 25
Northern Goshawk 3
Red-shouldered Hawk 229
Red-tailed Hawk 349
Rough-legged Hawk 7
American Kestrel 3
Unidentified Buteo 6
Total as of 4PM DST 1533
It is possible that after the disturbance passes today, Saturday March 24, that a second wave of raptors may come through.
--- Mike Street
Courtesy of Donald Davis
Niagra Falls, NY
Latitude: 43.7 Longitude: -79.4
Observed by: Donald A.
Contact Observer
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