Date: 05/13/2007
Number: 1
Our hummingbirds arrived on Mother's Day in this area. A quarter mile west, my daughter is counting eight very vigorous little buzzers who come window peeking. Mine seem shy, unsure this year. I catch only brief glimpses and occasionally see one on the dog kennel's top rail. Think they are chicks from last year and not feeling quite comfortable with their surroundings. Hopefully, I won't end up at my son's house every other evening helping him net them to get them out of his garage. If he leaves the door open, they get in there and panic. It takes a butterfly net to round them up and set them free, Poor little things - all thirsty and worn out. But how often do you get to hold one, there are perks!
Marne, MI
Latitude: 43.1 Longitude: -85.9
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