Date: 05/29/2007
Number: 1
We were out for recess and the kids spotted it as it flew through our playground!
I must admit that the first time we saw the Monarch, I was a bit surprised. We do have lots of Painted Lady, but rarely a Monarch. So, when we saw more on subsequent days, I was sure we had seen the real thing!
I also own a log cabin retreat house in Carnation, overlooking the Snoqualmie Valley. It is about 9 miles from the Preschool. We have seen several in our meadow as well since the first sighting in Sammamish.
As a child raised in Southern Minnesota, my neighborhood friends and I would trapes through the little swamp nearby to collect Monarch eggs. We cared for them throughout their lifecycle and then release them as they "hatched". The swamp is now filled in and developed, but those childhood memories are brought forth when I teach my preschoolers about the butterfly lifecycle. We use Painted Lady, so we are very familiar with the differences. That is why we were so excited to see the Monarchs!
Sammamish, WA
Latitude: 47.7 Longitude: -122
Observed by: Molly
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