Date: 10/15/2007
Number: 1
We are homeschoolers. Marley, who is in third grade, found a monarch caterpillar on 9/2/07. We brought it indoors and put it in our butterfly pavilion with milkweed from our yard. The caterpillar formed its chrysalis on 9/4/07. The monarch emerged on 9/13/07. We immediately took the pavilion outside and released the monarch beside some watermelon rinds we had laid out for the butterflies to feed on. The monarch stayed on the rinds for several hours. During this time we took pictures and observed its behavior. Fascinating and beautiful!
We had two other homeschooling families join with us in making the paper butterflies for the symbolic migration. All the children put their names and ages in Spanish on their butterflies. Para ayudar a las mariposas monarca, crié una mariposa de verdad y la dejé en libertad.
Easton, MD
Latitude: 38.8 Longitude: -76.1
Observed by: becky
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