Robin (WAVE seen)

Date: 03/20/2008

Number: 1

I heard a cheerio song this morning and I saw lots of robins--Jenna. I heard a two robins--Finn. I saw the wave of 20-25 robins flying in the air--Julian. I saw some looking for worms in my backyard--Carli. I saw two robins in my orchard at home--Farriss. I saw about 100 robins at my dad's field--Jonathon. I think it was yesterday, I saw a robin when we were driving around the corner to school--Dex. This robin came in the door of my house and my dad got it and we got to see it close up, and then we let it go!---Alyssa A few days ago, there was a robin in my house and we took it outside--Zippy. A few days ago, it seemed like I saw 100 robins--Ashley. Yesterday, my left the garage door open, and a robin hopped in and it was sitting on top of the car roof!--Carli I heard the robin territorial song at home in the morning today--Madison. I saw a robin in my backyard this morning--Mary Everyday when we're going to school, there's a robin greeting us at the door--Annika

Langley, WA

Latitude: 48 Longitude: -122.5

Observed by: Susan
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