Date: 04/08/2008
Number: 1
Upon arrival home at 6pm this afternoon, we were greeted by four newcomer immatures and subadults on the ice at Lake Simond, feeding with New York adult bird F29 who has been here since March 30. All immatures and subs feed peacefully, and remarkedly so: contrary to their usual aggressive 'teenager behaviors'. Two of the immatures carried bands: a subadult was copper banded (the first I have ever seen!)on left leg and (he??)carried as well a narrow silver band on its right leg...neither alpha/# discernable. The other subadult appeared larger (female ??) but younger looking with very black beak and no yellow yet around margain of mouth parts. The latter carried New York blue band on right leg, W25 vertically marked on the band instead of circumferentially, with silver typical of federal band on the left. The other two immatures were very hoary, one especially so down the back and both very big and aparrently healthy. All birds fed until almost dark, or about 8pm. Great interact
Tupper Lake, NY
Latitude: 44.2 Longitude: -74.4
Observed by: Jack
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