Date: 08/24/2008
Number: 1000
August 24
Spotted over 200 Monarchs flying around Padua woods. Watched as they were flying, still in erratic flight patterns.
Later in the evening, 6:15 - 6:50 watched as hundreds of Monarch's found roosting spots on trees. They weren't migrating, but roosting for the night. Trees used were cedar, elm, cottonwood, and spruce trees, some landed on bare branches. I noticed that when they landed on bare branches, with folded wings they looked like dead leaves. They were hard to see at first, but some of the moved their wings. Several of them at a time, and I could see the roost for the colors.They have been migrating at Padua, by our little House of Prayer Chapel(formerly ST. Anthony of Padua Chapel) for many years . The grounds of the House of Prayer is situated in Padua between North -farms, corn fields, woods, and South of us another farm with more corn fields . So exciting to have hundreds of Monarch's fly around you as you walk on the grounds!
I go there about 3 times a week, and the results are increasing every day. I will go again on Thursday evening, and take more photos of the roost. Counted over a 1,000 at least. They are in the same row of trees every day, so are easier to spot.
August 26
We have seen signs of the fall migration lately. On Saturday and Sunday,the 23rd and 24th, we noticed quite a few monarchs just flying around. They were in our neighborhood, and around town. I watched for them to be roosting in our yard, as they usually do, but saw no signs of that. On Tuesday though, my daughter said that there were quite a few in our tree from some time in the afternoon and on into the evening. I observed maybe 50 to 75 of them at around 6:30 to 7:00 in our tree. They somewhat scattered after that, and some roosted in a neighbors trees. We did have rain and stormy weather over night.
I checked the tree when I arrived home today at around 5:45, but saw no monarchs. We left after that so I wasn't able to check it again before dark. We are having a rainy evening again tonight. I will be watching for them every evening from now on.
August 29
Tonight at Padua I counted some on the roosts, I counted several hundred in the small ones. Some of the roosts of Monarch;s are on bare branches. Other roosts are snuggled into the leaves of maple trees. With the Maple turning color, they blend in even more. "When I first noticed them on bare branches the landed in rows like huge row of buttons on a strip of bark. As I noticed one huge roost forming over 900 in number, a motorcycle came by our back road. "The sound of the engine disturbed their moving wave of bodies, and they took flight. When I am amongst them, I walk quietly, pause, stop, and don't make sudden movements. I was surrounded by an explosion of color. At least a thousand Monarchs flew around me and over me in a riot of color. I was sad for their dispersal, but glad as I stood in a kaleidoscope of orange swirling butterflies. I noticed that they were forming around 6:30pm
I checked their progress for the next 2 hours. Over 30 roosts were counted. One large roost, so heavy with butterflies, that the branch was sagging with their weight. They are also of different sizes in their wing spans. Some seem to be newly arrived,some older and quite larger specimens, with much larger wing spans. At 8:20 standing in between the rows of trees, watching the last of the roosts for the night; smelling the rich smell of the cedar trees; a lone large Monarch flew over my head. As I watched it against the rich orange butter cream sky, it landed for the night. A good day to be alive, with the richness of these beautiful creatures.
September 3
A small band of 4 greeted me tonight from the deep woods. I usually call to them, and they come around my head and fly off. My friend who lives at Padua, noticed this morning that suddenly the trees were bare. I believe the cold weather was the catalyst that
sent them on their way.
Sauk Centre, MN
Latitude: 45.7 Longitude: -95
Observed by: Judith
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