Date: 10/02/2008
Number: 1
Male Monarch here for several days, nectaring. Female here for several days, not seen yet, this morning. R.T. Hummingbirds still coming through, nectaring on cypress vines, salvias, agastaches,crepe myrtles.
Other creatures, a pair of large turtles fighting in the lake this morning, mostly butting heads and trying to bite each other around the head area. One being more agressive than the other, and the defensive one finally got away after about 15 minutes.
Many bees, beetles, flies, lizards. Orb spider caught a small skipper a couple of days ago, while I was taking photos, got a picture of this event as it happened.
Great Blue Heron resident high in a 90 foot pine tree on the lake dam, just perched and peering out. Stationery for minimum of 20 minutes.
Many species of butterflies and birds.
Laurel, MS
Latitude: 31.7 Longitude: -89.1
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