Symbolic Monarchs (Sent)

Date: 10/14/2008

Number: 1

We are in first grade. We go to an environmental school. We raised several monarchs and released them. We have several butterfly gardens at our school and we watch Monarchs lay their eggs on milkweed, caterpillars eat and enjoy the glitter of each chrysalis! Thank you for taking care of our butterflies this winter!
Estoy en uno grado. Para ayudar a mejorar el hábitat de las mariposas monarcas en el norte, planté un jardín de flores. Para ayudar a las mariposas monarca, crié una mariposa de verdad y la dejé en libertad. Thank you for taking care of the monarchs this winter, from your northern neighbors.

Lutz, FL

Latitude: 28.1 Longitude: -82.5

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