Date: 08/21/2009
Number: 1
8/12: Feeders rehung after 5 wks of being down. (Long Sad Story)
8/15: 3 wary RTH singletons sighted.
16/18:Numerous wary singles fed all 3 days.
8/19: Nectar level on one feeder was down 2", no leaks. Observation of this feeder from 3:30 PM to
6:10PM was amazing. There was a constant stream of wary Hummers feeding at no more than
a 10 minute interval. They all appeared to be Female, but more likely are young of the year. No
doubles until 6:10 when the wariness was justified by a hummer being driven off the feeder by
what had to be the dominant male.
8/21: Similar activity this morning, now with peaceful doubles feeding. In 11 years of putting up feeders,
the last ten days have been the most interesting and rewarding, especially after what had been a
slow Hummer season here.
Algonquin, IL
Latitude: 42.2 Longitude: -88.3
Observed by: Bruce & Norleen
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