Date: 08/25/2009
Number: 1
Have about 18 monarchs which have pupated? in my cage since being removed from the planted two year old milkweed in my the end of july and early august we had almost zero sightings... but there were swallowtails.. now there are no swallowtails(except 8 bstcats in my bst cage--from fennell and dill)...anyway, within 7 to 10 days, these mon pupes will emerge... depending on the death rate...usually from a tachinid type observable death... and head south..
has been a very uneven movement in northeastern oklahoma... i do have a solitary female monarch staying around the garden area.. but that's it.. one.
and one tiger swallowtail(i have no host plants for her, just food..mexican sunflowers, zinnias, lantana..
In my notes i have several small moncats in the middle of June.. around the 15th, they would've been eggs...had a lot of deaths in my cages round june 27th...a lot of deformed wings...and then nothing.. after the first bunch.
just transferred another 11 moncats into my moncage at 2pm today (8/28)..saw one old monarch lady, beaten up, with old wing coverings, doing her best yesterday.. saw another female about an hour ago on my mexican sunflowers.. and my resident tiger swallowtail
Claremore, OK
Latitude: 36.3 Longitude: -95.6
Observed by: Philip
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