Date: 08/27/2009
Number: 72
September 18
Still have a roost here, albeit "small". Seven individuals clustered together for the night.
September 16
We could only find 3 individual Monarchs in the acreage roost tonight. We were gone all day so can't comment on numbers during the day.
September 15
We have another roosting occurring tonight in the acreage trees; we counted 28 individual Monarchs roosting. The daytime feeding here was fairly active as well.
September 14
No sign of a roost here tonight though. However, monarchs have been still active in the acreage and pasture in low numbers today. Feeding. Perhaps less than 2 dozen individuals.
September 13
We could not locate any Monarch roosts here tonight. We did have a fair amount of activity in the pasture and yard today though, perhaps a couple dozen Monarchs. They were no where to be seen tonight however.
September 12
This morning is quiet and there was a small rain sometime during early morning hours (1/4"). I am not seeing any Monarchs this morning...will have to look more this afternoon. (Later...)Hard pressed to find Monarchs roosting now...found 7 individuals , each in different trees tonight. During the day today I saw over 30 individuals flying/feeding here.
September 11
Our Monarch roosting persisted tonight as
reported on the 10th. The feeding in the pasture and acreage was very active during the day today as well.
September 10
Our Monarch population in the roost is growing slightly. Have at least 6 dozen Monarchs settling in tonight.
September 8
We have at least 5 dozen Monarchs roosting in the north pasture tonight (where they are out of the southeast wind).
September 7
We are still finding Monarch caterpillars feeding on the milkweeds here today! One was so small (new) that I can't see how it'll mature and be ready for the south bound journey for a couple of weeks?
September 6
Last night (9/5) we found around 3 dozen Monarchs finding roosts in the acreage trees and on the native pasture. This was up slightly from the past week.
This morning the Monarchs were still in the trees but leaving as the sun warmed them. I did find one individual covered with dew in the pasture...on a Field Goldenrod.
September 4
We still have a handful of Monarchs roosting (last night) and feeding (this morning) here. I would put the number at 18 individuals.
September 3
We still have a small number of Monarchs here, both feeding and roosting. Perhaps a dozen and a half.
September 2
Our roosting ceased around the 30th of August but now has begun (on a small scale) again. We counted a little over a dozen individuals feeding on Stiff Goldenrod in the pasture and about half as many seeking roosts in the trees bordering the pasture and our acreage yard.
August 29
The small signs of fall roosting activity was unchanged this morning. Still had small numbers, perhaps less than two dozen individual Monarchs roosting. Were gone tonight so do not know if it continues...will check in the morning.
August 27
Monarchs are now roosting in the grove, not many yet (less than a dozen) but it's the first sign I've seen of them gathering together at night this year.
Hartley, IA
Latitude: 43.2 Longitude: -95.5
Observed by: Bruce
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