Date: 09/04/2009
Number: 1
In Athens I have a group of Ruby red throats of about 20.
I wanted to tell you something very funny, This year I started talking to my humming birds.
I make this little kissy sound you hear them make she they are flying around. Its a real sharp squeaky sound. They respond to the sound, to day I was out side pulling weeds and I heard a sound and humming birds there were every where around me, about 6 of them flew around and around me.
I stood very still not to spook them they flew down to my feet and then around to the top of my head. I would say' they circled me about 3 times and then flew in the bushed. The rest if the day they appear not to be afraid of me. They were eating in my presenmce.
I make my own food for them, and when I go out with new food I make sure I make the same sound each time.
I think I have two different family of humming birds I had to buy a new feeder and they are separated, They fly and set on top of each shepherds hook and if the other side comes towards their feeder they are attacked.
I love seeing them fly in the air and face each other like a stand
Also this summer the humming birds will fly to my front door and just stay there for a few seconds like they are looking for me.
athens, GA
Latitude: 34 Longitude: -83.4
Observed by: June
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