Date: 09/18/2009
Number: 1
I discovered the Monarchs Friday morning, Sept 18, in our windbreak. They were on Austrian Pines and Honeylocust. I took photos of them on the trees. About 10:00 it was warmer and they moved to my flower gardens. They were there again Saturday and Sunday. My grandkids were with me Sunday morning and we watched them in the morning. We found more on the big honeylocust trees close to the flowers. We watched in the evening as they started to go back to the trees. The weather changed over night and only a few were around the morning of the 28th. My observation time: I was watching for _3__ hours and ___30 minutes.
Editor's Note: This observer did not specify the number of monarchs present. We entered 'one' in the number field only to mark this record for future consideration.
Atwood, KS
Latitude: 39.7 Longitude: -101
Observed by: Pattie
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