Date: 09/29/2009
Number: 2000
We began noticing small numbers of monarchs on 09/27/09. Since then, the large trees in our back yard have literally thousands of monarchs in them. This is the first time we have observed a migration in Snyder; relatives south of Abilene, Texas, almost always enjoy a migration. There was a strong southerly wind beginning this afternoon; it is as if the monarchs have sensed its coming and have settled here--always on the north side of the trees, with heavy settling beginning 09/28/09. My observation time: I was watching for _8__ hours and ___ minutes.
We have observed them each time we've gone outside for the past 3 days. Yesterday and today we set up chairs for about an hour late each afternoon and observed as the monarchs fluttered in from the north, circled the trees, and joined the various groups already in the trees.
Editor’s Note: We are estimating a minimum of 2000 monarchs based on observer’s estimate of “thousands.”
Snyder, TX
Latitude: 33 Longitude: -100.8
Observed by: Edward
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