Date: 02/23/2010
Number: 1
Today is February 23, 2010. The length of day is 10 hours and 46 minutes. The temperature is 38.6 degrees F and 3.5 degrees C. The snow depth today is 12 cm, 12 cm less than January. The wind speed is 4.5 km/h and the wind chill is 2.9 degrees C. The tree that I have been observing still has no leaves, but there is new growth on the end of the branches. I was freezing even though I wore a jacket and boots. There are snow, patches of grass, and puddles on the ground. There is also some mud on the ground. The clouds completely cover the sky. I can not see the sun, but there is a little wind.
Presque Isle, ME
Latitude: 46.7 Longitude: -68
Observed by: Elaine
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