
Date: 08/31/2009

Number: 1

When I moved to this townhouse in 1991, I was determined to make a wildlife friendly garden oasis out of the lawn. It became Monarch Waystation #271 in 2005, a National Wildlife Federation Wildlife Habitat #99,531 soon thereafter and a Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries "Habitat At Home" #51 on this date. Though the garden is only 20X5 feet [back yard] and 17X12 feet [front yard] it contains a Butterfly bush, 6 species of milkweeds & over 20 species of native butterfly host and nectar plants including Campsis, Passifloa, Wisteria, Rudbeckia, Eupatorium, Monarda, Veronia, Verbena, Viola, Solidago, Liatris & Coreopsis, to which Pentas, Lantana, Zinnia and Malva are added each season. Monarch butterflies breed here [as do others] & are tagged each fall. Native bees nest in a bee house in back; rabbits, skinks, toads, box turtles, brown snakes, & many birds & insects have been spotted in the garden.

Newport News, VA

Latitude: 37.1 Longitude: -76.5

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