Date: 11/04/2010
Number: 1
Yesterday Nov 4th: Altus and I saw straggly numbers of monarchs this morning all over in a strong 25 to 41 mph NNW wind. We drove all around the county and found them west of town flying thru the pastures between the brush trying to make it to the SW. Then at 4 pm got this phone call "Altus, ... we were talking about monarchs last night at church choir practice ... a bunch of monarchs are over here by the bay on the downwind side of my house in the trees ... guess they must be there too ... thought I'd let you know ... " ... from a teacher friend of ours. This morning Nov 5th: we went across the bay early (8:30 am 48 dF) and found loose clusters of monarchs in the saltcedars on the peninsula. About nine when the temp was 51, we began to see a few monarchs fly by from NE to SW in a 10-15 mph NW wind.
Editor's Note: This observer did not specify the number of monarchs present. We entered 'one' in the number field only to mark this record for future consideration.
Port Lavaca, TX
Latitude: 28.5 Longitude: -96.7
Observed by: Harlen E.
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