Date: 03/15/2011
Number: 1
Santa Ana NWR today held an abundance of blossoms, but low numbers of butterflies, continuing a recent LRGV trend. At the butterfly garden at the visitor's center, for example, numerous Spring Mist-flowers were in full bloom, towered over by an Anacua and Wild Olive equally in bloom, but I saw only one butterfly there. Spring wildflowers along roads and trails continue to provide color as the refuge recovers from last year's flood. I did ultimately find 34 species on the day, but had to put in 5 hours and 5+ miles on my 68-year-old legs to do so!
Monarch (Danaus plexippus)
Courtesy of TX-BUTTERFLY
Santa Ana NWR, TX
Latitude: 26.1 Longitude: -98.1
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