Date: 01/30/2011
Number: 1
January 30, 2011
The average number of monarchs decreased at several sites throughout Monterey county. The average number of monarchs at the Pacific Grove Sanctuary was 2,912. Counts were conducted on Saturday and Sunday, 29 and 30 of January by Erica J. Krygsman (field coordinator for Monarch Alert in Monterey county), Jillian Cosgrove, and Ryan Slack. Saturday experienced mild temperatures with clear to overcast skies; Sunday experienced cool temperatures and intermittent rain. No clusters were observed at Point Lobos, Andrew Molera, or Plaskett Creek. At the private property site in Big Sur, counts were conducted during cool temperatures with minimal monarch activity and very few clusters were observed. At Pacific Grove, there were many small clusters in many different trees. Next counts are scheduled for Sunday and Monday, 6 and 7 of February.
Pacific Grove Sanctuary: 2912
George Washington Park: not surveyed
Point Lobos Reserve: 2
Palo Colorado: not surveyed
Andrew Molera: 8
Sycamore Canyon: not surveyed
Private Property, Big Sur: 292
Prewitt Creek: not surveyed
Plaskett Creek: 1
Monterey, CA
Latitude: 36.6 Longitude: -121.8
Observed by: Jaime
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