Monarch Adult Sighted

Date: 08/06/2011

Number: 1

I can confirm that Monarchs in Manitoba are in ones, not even twos.
Here on August 6th, one flew up, circled around and hung in a tree,
evidently having emerged that morning - I found the empty shell later.

Eggs are about 1 week old and 1st instars are hatching.
2 weeks ago, we had ample numbers of all stages for a Monarch
Teachers Network workshop in Southern Manitoba (Winkler MB)
Participants released about a dozen adults, and took home eggs
and cats.
Milkweed has begun senescense, seed pods are beginning to ripen
and extreme dryness may hasten the migration.

Courtesy of Monarch Watch

Dugald, MB

Latitude: 49.9 Longitude: -96.8

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