Date: 09/16/2011
Number: 3
Still seeing a few. Yesterday the morning temps were in the high 40's and I noticed a hummingbird hanging upside down with one claw on the feeder. I knew what was wrong with the cold wind and rain we had yesterday morning. I got a shoe box and lined it with paper towels and held it under him and he let go into the box. I covered it and brought him inside to warm up. After 30 minutes he started buzzing those wings of his or hers and I peeked in and knew he was ready. I set him out on the patio table and opened the lid and he or she flew up hovered a moment and than flew into the trees. Throughout the day I have spotted three different ones at the feeder.
Latitude: 39.1 Longitude: -94.6
Observed by: TERRY
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