Date: 10/03/2011
Number: 7
Yesterday evening about 6:00, I counted 7 Monarch butterflies in my garden of about 30 tropical milkweeds. That's up from about at least one sighting each time I look out. Today over the lunch hour, I counted another 7 Monarch butterflies.
In the house, I have 15 pupa not counting the two that hatched over the weekend.
Earlier this Spring, about 10 caterpillars found a nearby fence and one by one turned into butterflies.
Only one in the house, using a picnic food net covers, did not make it to the pupa stage. I noted 2 outside on the fence and on a plant staulk that didn't either.
Outside, I have about 45 milkweed plants in all and thought I'd have more caterpillars. I also thought the milkweed would be nearly consumed by now; not the case.
The K-State extension office garden, close to where I work, has had Monarch butterflies visit their Tropical Milkweed patch but haven't noticed any caterpillars the whole year.
Has anyone commented on the condition of the native milkweed around here? A few stalks in a grouping seem to be enduring but there will be several more nearby that are yellow or dried out.
Overland Park, KS
Latitude: 39 Longitude: -94.7
Observed by: Karen
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