Monarch Adult Sighted

Date: 10/23/2011

Number: 1

Monarchs still migrating in Maryland Oct 23, 10am-2pm, full sun, 58-61 degrees F, wind SSW at 6mph

Central Maryland: Western Montgomery County to southern Frederick County-- several monarchs were seen migrating along roadsides and through yards. A few were seen using the Potomac River and the C&O Canal towpath as a migration corridor. Nectar sources along the roads included heath asters, chicory, dandelion, and Queen Anne's lace (mowed back then re-bloomed). Along the towpath, nectar sources included heart-leaved or common blue wood aster (Aster cordifolius) and zig-zag or broad-leaved goldenrod (Solidago flexicaulis). In yards and at plant nurseries, monarchs were nectaring on mums, zinnias, and pansies (no frost here yet).

Other butterflies seen included: several migrating common buckeyes, clouded sulphur, orange sulphur, cabbage white, red-banded hairstreak, fiery skipper.

Courtesy of Monarch Watch

Montgomery County, MD

Latitude: 39.2 Longitude: -77.2

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