Date: 11/04/2011
Number: 400
Almost a week and a half ago I reported but had some problem in getting my post to post. Sorry I am so late in getting back.
At Yzoo NWR in the Swan Lake Greentree Resevoir which is dry at this time the palce is loaded with Bidens and I estimate seeing 400 to 700 of them all feeding on the Bidens. When this place floods this winter the Bidens is also a great nutrition for Water Fowl.Yazz is about five miles east of the Mississippi river flood plain and in the middle of the Mississippi Delta. the flood plain is almost intact except for some places where urbanization is dominant but the Ohio Basin and Mississippi river Basin is still the funnel for most migratory species. They do run into a lot of hardship trying to make it osuth through this corridor.
I was in Desota NF last week end for three days. Near Glen's Pond two days and in Buttecup flats one morning. Glen's is home of the last known breeding site of the Rana Capito Servosa and Buttercup Flats is home of several hundred acres of pitcher plant bog and it is georgeous. I suspect because this locatiosn is not near a north south laying river of any regional magnitude and Glen's Pod is a coastal plains mostly upland longleaf pine ecology not many Monarchs pass through and Buttercup flats does not have the forage the Monarchs really like. I only saw a few in these places.Did see a few Gulf Fritillary and Buckeye, Checkered Skippers, some spreadwings and some small moths, hardly not mosquitoes, a few wasp and bees on flowers, no reptiles and no amphibiams. The early frozen precipition and cold snap in the north east proably whipped many migratory species into flying south or not making it due to hardship and really squshed the biomass: insects, plants, vertebrates and
jackson, MS
Latitude: 32.3 Longitude: -90.2
Observed by: jerry
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