Robin (WAVE seen)
Sightings report image

Date: 02/06/2012

Number: 1

I wanted to report back that the robins are still here. Dozens - if not hundreds - of them. Clamoring around our bird baths. My husband has to fill the bird baths 4-5-6 times a day. We have lived in this house in NE Florida (near Jacksonville) for over 15 years - and I have never observed robin behavior like this. What we usually get is dozens/hundreds here for a day or two in the late fall on their way south - and then dozens/hundreds for a day or two around late February/early March on their way north. I almost get the feeling that the robins got here - and because we have had such a warm winter (after 2 miserably cold ones) - they just stayed here and didn't go south. Note that we have almost an acre of land - and it is an excellent bird environment. Also - we've had a very dry winter - so - as long as my husband keeps filling the bird baths - we probably have the best "drinking fountains" in the area :).

Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

Latitude: 30.2 Longitude: -81.4

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