Date: 02/09/2012
Number: 1
Ms. Sires' third grade class 3C observed that 18 of 24 tulips have emerged! 1 of 5 experimental tulips has also emerged. Our shortest emerged tulip is 1 1/2 cms and our tallest is 7 cms. We described them as rubbery, cold, damp, smooth, thick, layered, strong and hard. We noticed that the tulips store water inside in a resevoir. We think that the outside parts are the leaves and the inner parts are the stem and bloom. Some of the outer edges we noticed red. We hope that our late bloomers will eventually bloom! We are debating what will happen with our experimental tulip that we planted upside down.
Charleston, SC
Latitude: 32.8 Longitude: -79.9
Observed by: Jennifer
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