Date: 03/19/2012
Number: 1
spring everywhere! weather has been great between 70-80 degrees for a week now. Saw many junco's a week ago and now only a few. Daffodils, crocus in full bloom. Tulips budding. Beautiful parsley in the garden. Peonies coming up. Birds everywhere, pilated woodpeckers, red bellies and downey's everywhere. Seen lots of bluebirds, chickadees and titmice but, no hummers yet. Can't wait!
Haven't seen any signs of nesting yet but, all my houses are up and waiting. maples, crabtrees and redbud all starting to bloom just in last couple of days. Spring is here.
LaPorte, IN
Latitude: 41.6 Longitude: -86.7
Observed by: Julie
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