Milkweed (FIRST sighted)
Sightings report image

Date: 03/01/2012

Number: 1

A discussion came up about First Milkweed on the DPLEX discussion forum and I decided to log my milkweed observations for Kingwood, Texas. With the mild winter we had, I have to admit that except for cutting Asclepias Curassavica back for OE prevention and the 60 caterpillars I had in January and February, I had milkweed leaves all winter. So, this year I can't really say there was a first.
Another observation is one of my Texas Native milkweed plants is about 5 inches tall. The plant seemed to die back in February and has already re-sprung back during the last week. The Texas Native milkweed variety is Asclepias oenotheroides. Last June this Native milkweed was rescued from a horse pasture in the Tomball area.
As a relief to the drought the weather has been mild and wet in the Houston area.
For more information on Texas Native Milkweed see

Kingwood, TX

Latitude: 30 Longitude: -95.3

Observed by: Linda
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