Robin (OTHER Observations)

Date: 04/09/2012

Number: 1

No Robins in sight here. We have had a record snowfall this winter (about 10-11 feet), so things may run a little late during breakup. However, with so much snow insulating the ground, it should warm up pretty fast once the warmer air can get to it. All in all, I expect we'll see out first Robin on schedule, probably during the first week of May. We have taken down our bird feeders since the overwintering chickadees, redpolls, grosbeaks, nuthatches, and others have plenty of time to forage and short nights to fast through. Our daylight starts at about six o'clock in the morning, and we can still see fine at 9:30 at night. The buds on the willows, alders, birches, and cottonwoods are beginning to swell. If we bring a branch into the house it leafs out in just a couple of days, so we know they are ready to explode into growth once it warms up a little more outside. Our temperatures have been varying between 20 degrees at night and about 40 degrees during the day. It's an exciting time of year, to say the least.

Voznesenka, AK

Latitude: 59.8 Longitude: -151.3

Observed by: Stan
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