Date: 04/10/2012
Number: 1
Our third grade class went outside to observe signs of spring, when we noticed a fairly big milkweed in our school garden. We turned over some leaves and found 3 monarch eggs. We haven't seen any monarch butterflies, but we know one has been here! You can see the egg in the picture if you look closely at the overturned leaf.
Editor's Note: The presence of eggs means an adult monarch has arrived in this area. Therefore, we are adding this egg report to the migration map.
April 18th
When our third grade was outside playing, we saw a Monarch butterfly.It looked like it just came from Mexico because it was faded a bunch. Macy,Blake,Rebekah
Cub Run, KY
Latitude: 37.3 Longitude: -86.1
Observed by: Janet
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