Monarch Adult (FIRST sighted)

Date: 05/01/2012

Number: 1

Saw a fresh monarch fly across the road and went to get the mail and came back up to check my common milkweed bed and there wasn't just one female monarch, but TWO laying that was 3 monarchs in 5 minutes...they keep coming back to the bed since this is the only milkweed up...I pulled more of the mulched leaves away, I put on Sunday before the 6 inches of they are very fresh and tender and lots more sprouts coming up...the heat and rain should make them grow like crazy...and the temps for thru Sat are going to be 56-60+ for LOWS, so this time they won't freeze before they hatch like the last time this happened...not sure how many eggs, since I didn't want to disturb her since she keeps coming back.

Clarksburg, PA

Latitude: 40.5 Longitude: -79.4

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