Date: 07/04/2012
Number: 1
Submitted by Don Davis:
Burntpoint is at or about 74 km (46 mi) east of
Peawanuck.This is Jean Iron's second report by satellite phone for the period 30 Juneto 6 July 2012 from Burntpoint Creek Research Station on the Ontario coastof Hudson Bay in Polar Bear Provincial Park . Burntpoint is operated by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). See map link below. The Burntpoint crew comprises JulieBelliveau (OMNR and Trent University), Matt Birarda (OMNR), Jean Iron (OFOvolunteer) and Jim Sauer (volunteer). The recent daily weather has been
variable ranging from 5 to 25 Celsius affected by wind direction and thecamp's close proximity to Hudson Bay. The coast is 3.5 km from camp andregular visits while monitoring plots are made to the coast. The sea ice is now not visible from shore, but there is a lot of floating ice.
July 4, 2012 2 Barn Swallows spotted
Map and pictures of camp:
Precise camp location (green arrow):
Camp is surrounded by an electrified fence to keep out polar bears!
Burntpoint, ON
Latitude: 43.7 Longitude: -79.4
Observed by: Donald A.
Contact Observer
The observer's e-mail address will not be disclosed.
Contact will be made through a web-based form.