Hummingbird Sighting

Date: 09/14/2012

Number: 5

46 degrees this AM, 7:05 our small guests arise and start breakfast at the feeders and visit the large Black and Blue Salvia and Pink Lantana in the East habitat. Two of our guests appear to be friends; as they sit close to each other, on a small branch when resting, and enjoy flying within inches of each other--to great heights and then, they level off, as they return to the ground and zoom by my feet. We are delighted to be a 'stop-over' point, and their Midwest bed and
breakfast. It is unusual for our habitat to host more than 1 migrating hummer after September 9th, we are pleased and honored to host several tiny guests.

Sanford, MI

Latitude: 43.7 Longitude: -84.4

Observed by: Tilly
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