Sightings report image

Date: 09/20/2012

Number: 1

I planted my first Monarch Waystation and am collecting seeds to make another. I have been blessed to have seen Monarchs, Painted Ladies, Red Admirals, Regal Fritillary, Mourning Cloaks, Eastern Tiger Swallowtails, Gold Finches, Hummingbirds, Doe and fawn, Eastern Bluebirds, Purple Martins, Tree Swallows, Turkey Vultures and more in my yard. I have plans on planting more native plants and making a pondless stream. I would like to get my yard certifed through NWF and MonarchWatch, after I do some more work.

Bushnell, SD

Latitude: 44.3 Longitude: -96.6

Observed by: Christina
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