Date: 04/28/2013
Number: 1
First visitor this morning at 9:45 am (had been raining and 55 degrees) was a very friendly male. My husband and I were standing on the deck between two feeders and he came up to the feeder beside me, circled me and was within a foot or so of my face for just a couple seconds. It then flew off to another feeder out in the yard for a brief feeding. Usually my first visitors are skiddish until they get used to me out in the yard, not this one. Pretty much on time though with 2012 first sighting on 4/30/12 and 2011's on 4/26/11. Must have been just passing through because I glued myself to the window for a 1 1/2 hrs with no return visit. Hope someone else gets him as a first too!
Springfield, OH
Latitude: 39.9 Longitude: -83.8
Observed by: Melissa
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