Monarch Adult Sighted
Sightings report image

Date: 11/02/2013

Number: 1

sighting of a adult monarch nectaring on the last of my zinnias, buddlea, and tithonia not yet bitten by frost. On closer observation noticed a tiny round label under wing. Rushed to get my camera so I could hopefully get a photo I could enlarge and read. Delighted the Monarch remained feeding in my garden and I got the shot plus a close up of the tag which unfortunately did not include all of the wings. This was my first sighting of a tagged Monarch and I was thrilled to get a shot of the tag making it readable. November 2, 2013 @ 4:oo pm. In Greenbackville on Virginia's beautiful Eastern Shore.....You'll Love Our Nature!

It's getting chilly here. I hope my butterfly friend makes plans to fly south soon!

Greenbackville, VA

Latitude: 38 Longitude: -75.4

Observed by: Linda
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