Date: 09/18/2014
Number: 8
Overnight temperature was 45 degrees, sunrise was at 7:24am. At 8am the temperature was 53 degrees as I watched for an hour and observed 8 female hummers, 4 adult/4 juveniles, at my 4 feeders all at one time. Expected high for today was 70 degrees and sunny with light breezes gusting to 5 mph. Throughout the rest of the day I saw a maximum of only 7 females at any one time. At 6pm there was 7 females, 3 adult/4 juveniles on the feeders. Sunset was at 7:45pm with the last hummer leaving the feeders at 7:54pm. Only two of the hummers I sighted today looked to be toward the plump side, the rest were closer to their normal size. High and low temperatures for the next four days are suppose to be Fri-71/53 and cloudy, Sa-79/64 rain most of the day, Su-69/47 and cloudy and Mon-66/47 with clear skies. Next report from me in four days unless I have an earlier chance to observe the feeders.
Kendallville, IN
Latitude: 41.5 Longitude: -85.3
Observed by: Michael
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