Date: 09/30/2014
Number: 2
Weather -- cloudy to start clearing to sunny; low of 63 F, high of 75 F; light breezes (around 5 mph)
Two female RT hummers feeding this am until early afternoon--one adult and one juvenile. Adult was friendly unlike many of the migrants. She came to check out what I was doing this morning. I had to go out in the early afternoon. When I returned there was no sign of any hummingbirds at any of my feeders...and none came to the feeders before dusk...this was two days past my last daily sighting last year so I may well have to wait for next spring for my next sighting...very sad...
Keep those feeders up with fresh nectar!!! I had a tardy visitor two weeks after my "last" sighting last year. It was mid October.
king george, VA
Latitude: 38.3 Longitude: -77.1
Observed by: jessica
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