Date: 10/04/2014
Number: 100
Checked between 1830 to 2000. Sunset is about 1915. On the way to check the first grove, Monarchs were still on the Liatris patches feeding. In the first grove I checked, clearly different individuals from those feeding, about 50. No more that 25 together, distributed the grove mostly 5-10 feet from the ground. When I left that grove just after sunset, no Monarchs remained on the liatris. Checked several other past roost spots. All of them, plus individual large trees, had monarchs in varying numbers. Call it 50 more for a total of 100.
Picture shows between 20 and 25 on Ashe Junipers, just after sunset, with flash fill in foreground. (Sunset is behind the camera.)
Chalk Mountain, TX
Latitude: 32.1 Longitude: -97.9
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