Monarch (OTHER Observations)

Date: 04/16/2015

Number: 1

Gibbs butterfly park had about 150 migratory butterflies Oct 28 - Dec.15. This spring we cut down our milkweed as usual and have lots of tender shoots coming up. In March many residents brought their caterpillars to Gibbs as they had run out of milkweed.At the highest count we had about 50 caterpillars in the beds. This resulted in our milkweed being eaten. Now in April we have our milkweed growing back and lots of mating and eggs being laid. The caterpillars seemed to ebb and flow this year. Strange weather and not typical caterpillar behavior.(If there is such a thing as typical behavior in the insect world.)

Huntington Beach, CA

Latitude: 33.7 Longitude: -118

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